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Why get solar panels?
- Generate free, green electricity
- Reduce your electricity bill by up to 64%
- Get paid for what you don't use
As featured in:
The latest news, analysis, guides and opinion.
- This is why you’ve used way less renewable electricity this year Renewable sources have generated 45% less of the UK’s electricity than they did last year, we can reveal – and it's the government's fault.
- Environmental News You’ve Missed During COVID-19 In all the COVID-19 hubbub, you might have missed some big environmental news items. We rounded up the past few months here, so come and catch up!
- Electric cars are 400 times less wasteful than fossil fuel cars Electric cars waste 400 times less of the Earth’s resources than fossil fuel-powered cars – and they're cheaper to run, too.
- Norway Breaks Record as Electric Cars Outsell Fossil Fuel Vehicles Norway becomes the first country in the world to sell more electric vehicles than those powered by petrol, diesel, and hybrid engines.
- Extinction: The Facts – David Attenborough’s Stark Warning of What is Yet to Come We look at the key takeaways from Attenborough's Extinction: The Facts, our impact on the planet, and how we can make a change.
- Coronavirus is Destroying the Fossil Fuel Industry The price of oil is in freefall, and gas isn't far behind. Experts have said the coronavirus crisis could mark the end of fossil fuel domination.
- Thousands of British Homes Have Been Paid to Use Green Electricity In a landmark moment for green energy, thousands of British homeowners were paid to use renewable electricity during the day for the first time.
- 22% of Businesses Believe Coronavirus has Hampered their Net-Zero Plans Businesses are adjusting to the economic and environmental changes from coronavirus. But how many businesses will be able to reach net-zero goals?
- Covid-19 Lockdown Will Have ‘Negligible’ Impact on Climate Crisis Covid-19 lockdowns have led to sharp drops in carbon emissions - but will it make a difference in the long-run? Find out here.