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- Generate free, green electricity
- Reduce your electricity bill by up to 64%
- Get paid for what you don't use
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The latest news, analysis, guides and opinion.
- Oil and Gas Donors Have Given Over £400k to Tories in the Past Year Research has found that individuals and companies linked to the oil and gas industry donated over £400,000 to the Tories in the past year.
- What to Expect From COP26 in November 2021 This year’s COP26 meeting has been highly anticipated by people around the world - but what can we expect from the meeting? Let's find out.
- Which countries have the smallest carbon footprints? We all know which nations are pumping out emissions, but which countries have the smallest carbon footprints? Let's find out.
- The Strategic Innovation Fund: What Does It Mean for UK Businesses? Ofgem has announced that it will offer up to £450 million to UK businesses, through its Strategic Innovation Fund – but what does this mean?
- Build back better? Pandemic sees G7 nations give billions more to fossil fuels than green energy G7 nations have given £134 billion to fossil fuels during the coronavirus pandemic – and the UK was one of the worst offenders.
- Wildfires: How Likely Are They To Happen in the Future – and Where? What should we prepare ourselves for in the future? Let’s find out.
- The Arctic is on fire, burning more CO2 than the UK Man-made climate change has created conditions for wildfires to spread in the freezing Arctic, releasing millions of tonnes of CO2.
- Are Tree-Planting Schemes Actually Working? Is planting trees always the way to go? We look at nine companies with tree-planting schemes, to see if they're actually making a difference.
- IKEA Opens Pilot Second-Hand Store to Combat Carbon Footprint IKEA is launching a new Buy Back scheme, encouraging its customers to focus on a more sustainable lifestyle in the approach to Black Friday.