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Polyshine Solar unveils flexible rooftop solar panels

Tamara Birch, senior writer, The Eco Experts
Written By
Published on 6 March 2025
  • The JY1-72HxxxPC 505-535W module series by Polyshine Solar is available in seven different varieties
  • The panels measure 2,246mm x 1,185mm x 2.5mm
  • The modules will also feature an IP68-rated junction box
Flexible solar panels
The JY1-72HxxxPC 505-535W module series is available in seven different varieties

Polyshine Solar, a Chinese solar module manufacturer, has unveiled a flexible solar module for rooftop applications at the PV Expo last month in Tokyo, Japan. 

The JY1-72HxxxPC 505-535W module series is available in seven different varieties and power output will range from 505W to 535W. Power conversion efficiency spans from 19% to 20.1%, with the open-circuit voltage is 47.50-48.70V and short-circuit current is 13.47-13.77A. 

The panels measure 2,246mm x 1,185mm x 2.5mm and weigh just 7.5kg or 2.92kg/m2. 

In a statement the manufacturer said that the solar module was designed to “redefine rooftop solar adoption worldwide”, and the product combines ultra-lightweight engineering and easy installation and has a light transmittance of more than 91% and ultra-high UV blocking ability. 

It also features peel-and-stick adhesion or strap-fastening options that reportedly enable rapid, secure deployment. It can also operate within a temperature range of -40C to 85C and exhibit an operating temperature coefficient of -0.28%/C. 

The modules will also feature an IP68-rated junction box and an encapsulant based on ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). 

The company said: “Utilising patented polymer encapsulation technology, the modules achieve a remarkable weight reduction of 70% compared to traditional glass-based panels. 

“With a bending radius of 0.5 meters, they eliminate installation barriers for curved surfaces of low-load-bearing structures, requiring zero retrofitting costs.” 

Polyshine Solar offers a 25-year linear power output guarantee of no less than 84.8% of the nominal output power, and a 12-year product guarantee.

Written by

Tamara Birch, senior writer, The Eco Experts

Tamara is a London-based journalist and has written about environmental topics for more than four years. This includes advising small business owners on cost-effective ways, like solar panels and energy-efficient products, to help them become more sustainable.

She has used her journalist and research skills to become highly knowledgeable on sustainable initiatives, issues, and solutions to help consumers do their bit for the environment – all while reducing monthly costs.

In addition to adopting sustainable practices in her personal life, Tamara has worked in the retail B2B space to help independent retailers think about their environmental choices and how they can help improve their business. She now uses this knowledge to help consumers do the same.

Her passion for sustainability and eco-friendly solutions stems from a long obsession with nature and animals and ensuring they feel looked after. In her free time, Tamara enjoys reading fantasy novels, visiting the gym, and going on long walks in new areas.

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